Rent a Renault Taliant

Security deposit is not required
  • Automatic TM
  • 1.2 litres | Petrol
  • 2022 year
  • 90 horse powers
  • 5 litres / 100 km
  • Front drive
  • 5 seats




Refundable deposit is not required Deposit is not required

Mileage limit

Additional drivers
Child seats
Up to 9kg
9 to 18kg
18 to 36kg
Booster seat

Reviews (12)

Andrei Lutsenko


Oleg Raslambekov

一切都很完美。所有手续只用了 10 分钟。比机场便宜 200 美元。非常满意,谢谢。

Vladimir Sedov

性价比最高! 我买到的正是我想要的车,而且价格也符合我的预期。没有额外或隐藏的费用。 不过,也有一些细微的差别,了解这些差别会让旅程更加美好。 事先商量好在哪里、谁、什么时间在机场出口接你,以及如果找不到对方该怎么做。我就没有遇到。好在我可以用手机上网,因为航站楼外的 WiFi 无法使用。 明确哪些卡可以付款。Gazprombank 的银联卡在我这里无法使用(尽管它在土耳其的许多商店都能使用)。给聚合商的建议:可以选择全额预付款,而不是部分预付款。 确保购买所有可能的全套保险。了解车窗/后视镜和轮胎是否有保险。 验收前不仅要检查车内外,还要拍下任何缺陷、里程表和燃油读数。不要急于马上开走。机械缺陷可能会在行驶中出现。我的车的机械变速箱工作很差,但开了几公里后我才明白,于是没有返回换车。幸运的是,这辆车一路上都经受住了考验。 祝您假期愉快!

Artem Martyanov


Nikita Novikov


Aleksandr Semenov

一切都很顺利:代表在伊斯坦布尔机场的停车场接我,他当时正在打电话,所以我很快就找到了他。然后他把我们带到办公室,我在那里签署了合同,支付了余款,并收到了汽车。车本身的状况肯定不是最好的(所有缺陷都有记录),设备也很少(缺少辅助输出和蓝牙,我无法播放音乐)。在路上,这辆车并没有让我失望,甚至因为油耗低(一箱油行驶了 1000 公里)而有点高兴。我在安塔利亚的另一个城市租了车,我写下了机场旁边办公室的地址,顺利地把车开走了,甚至没有收我的过路费(我开了大半个土耳其的过路费)。还把我送到了航站楼。 评分 = 实打实的 4+(我没有押金,但额外支付了交付费用 = 200+- 美元)。

Aleksei Beshliaga

一切都很顺利。车没有任何问题,干净整洁,保养得很好。服务非常好,交车后还开车送我去机场。我建议大家 👍🏻

Dmitrii Iaroslavskii

Everything is super! I will definitely apply again!

Artem Denisov

Thank you. It's all good.

Sergii Vereshchahin

Everything went well. Loved the car, no complaints about the condition. I liked the company very much too. I paid in cash, no deposit needed. I took out full insurance. When the car was handed over I paid for toll roads through them. Everything went smoothly. I'm satisfied.

Stanislav Ivanovskii

Picked up a Renault Taliant in Istanbul. On the day of pickup an employee met me at the airport and escorted me to the parking lot. The registration was done in 10 minutes. But we had to wait another 15 minutes for the car, but it was worth it. We rented a Peugeo 2008, 2023, with 23000 km of mileage. It was a delight to drive the car with cruise control, the first day 800 km without fatigue. Small disadvantage, when I got it, the remaining balance in the tank was at 60 km, I figured it out only on the road (I did not know the nuances of diesel). Thank you very much to the company for the car and quick execution of documents. The return was also without problems, the inspection took no more than 15 minutes and it was taken to the airport

Aleksandr Banin

Everything went just fine! Picked up at the airport and dropped off at the airport and dropped off the car. We delivered it to the office. Everything was quickly formalized. A big plus, given the current situation, there is an opportunity to pay for the rental in cash right in the office. It was also possible to book the car through the company's website from the Russian Federation. Thank you very much. We will definitely use your services in the future!

伊斯坦布尔机场 (IST), 土耳其






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