Rent a Fiat Egea

Rent a Fiat Egea

租赁 Fiat Egea 的正面视图,在安塔利亚机场, 土耳其 ✓ 汽车编号 #4222。✓ Manual 变速箱 ✓ 14 评论。 租车 Fiat Egea #4222 Manual 在 在安塔利亚机场,配备 1.4L 发动机 ➤ 来自 努鲁拉 在土耳其。
  • Manual TM
  • 1.4 litres | Petrol
  • 2020 year
  • 77 horse powers
  • 5 litres / 100 km
  • Front drive
  • 5 seats




Refundable deposit is not required Deposit is not required

Mileage limit

Additional drivers
Child seats
Up to 9kg
9 to 18kg
18 to 36kg
Booster seat

Reviews (14)

Yauheni Liavitski

我事先要求更改取车和还车的时间,但当地公司的老板断然拒绝在凭证规定的时间内提供汽车,并向我保证他对此一无所知,直到我把截图扔给他。 此后,我不必在机场坐一整天,汽车只在旧凭证规定的时间内提供。我得到的是一辆完全不同的车--雷诺标志。我提前了 12 个小时还车。我不得不在关闭的办公室下等车主,并给他打电话,尽管我事先警告过还车时间。我要求把我送到汽车站,因为我坐车晚了,但他们拒绝了,只带我去了最近的地铁站。我把车还给了他,因为他用我的钱买了汽油,还为公司节省了时间,他本来可以去开会的。

Egor Liapustin

我向您推荐菲亚特 Egea。在安排、验收和交车方面,一切都进行得非常顺利和精彩。在登记时,经理向我们推销了一个带保险的故事,但在我们拒绝后,他说这对我们来说太贵了,于是就停止了。同时,他还提醒我们可能存在的风险。风险很高,所以我建议尽可能使用保险。 汽车本身状况良好,唯一的问题是刹车发出吱吱声,而且发热,显然需要保养。但我认为这个问题是后来才出现的,所以没有什么可抱怨的。

Oleg Dmitriev

我是一名商人,来安塔利亚出差。我很喜欢贵公司。条件相当民主,车价也很公道。虽然我马上告诉你,一开始我有点失望,因为阿列克谢告诉我的是柴油车,结果却是汽油车。 所以我以后还会使用你们的服务。

Aleksandr Bogdanov

一切都很好,感谢你们的服务,特别感谢你们的工作人员和服务。 唯一的出入是,我们实际上得到的是一辆 Citrien。

Valerii Kipkaev

一切都很顺利,他们带来了我们订购的汽车 我们提前给 watsapp 写了信,讨论了提交地点,车不是很完美,但车况很好,车身和内饰有瑕疵,我们提前在照片和验收证明(一式两份)上修补好了,车是柴油的,我们在三天内开了不到 500 公里,收到车时油箱大约是三分之一满,我在最近的加油站加满了油箱,大约 36 升柴油,租车期间还剩一半多一点 用美元现金支付(即使使用加密货币也可以),我们用英语交流,不懂的地方通过手机翻译器进行翻译 取车的过程尽可能简单,我们填写了一份验收证明,出租人给汽车拍了一张照片,又给文件拍了一张照片。 文件中需要外国护照和驾驶执照(俄语)。 交车也很简单,司机在租车前和租车后给车拍照,检查车外和车内,交车前不需要洗车(但如果车内很脏,他们可能会收取清洗费)。 空调正常工作,对汽车没有任何抱怨。 我们选择了机场,但司机要求在 RioCar 办事处租车(办事处离机场不远),之后他把我们带到了机场(这很好,因为他对机场比较熟悉,否则我们就会自己到处乱逛了),如果我们事先知道,我们会选择离海更近的酒店,而不是离机场更近的酒店。

Timur Galiakberov

我预订了一辆 4 天的汽车。他们给出了最优惠的价格,车也很新。我非常满意,强烈推荐这个地方

Kuznetsov Igor

Everything went perfectly! The car is good, fast, we didn’t notice any shortcomings.

Aleksandr Komarov

For the first time we received the exact car we booked. Everything was excellent: met at the airport; everything was quickly formalized; car without problems; at the end of the rental quickly completed the formalities and drove to the airport. From wishes: it would be more convenient to receive and hand over the car with a full tank.

Valery Ilchenko

It's been great

Jahangir Budagov

it was perfect

Zhuk Pavel

Everything was fine, thank you! I was met at the airport, everything was explained and shown! The car was good, everything worked as it should! Walked back to the airport! All without problems! I will only turn to you! Thank you

Aleksei Kataev

Everything is fine, the car is excellent for the money. There were no problems with receiving and returning, everything was clear. Thank you!

Artem Davydov

Everything was good. Fast delivry and checkout.

Ekaterina Shvedko

We had a rest in Antalya from March 18 to March 30, because we are from Russia and there is no way to pay with a card. . And so we rented a car from localcarhire, everything went very very well. We made a small prepayment for the SBP ($ 30), the rest was paid on the spot. We liked absolutely everything: the attitude, the Nuri representative is always in touch, answered all questions, met at the airport, returned the car to the office (near the airport) and we were taken to the airport with all our luggage, CONVENIENTLY! The car is great. I recommend it!!! THANKS

安塔利亚机场 (AYT), 土耳其







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Child seats


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