Working Hours
- 星期一 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期二 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期三 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期四 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期五 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期六 09:00 - 20:00
- 星期日 09:00 - 20:00
在我们公司的车队,我们相信让旅行更轻松!🚗💨我们的顶级车队随时准备成为您旅程的一部分。经济实惠、安全可靠,并根据您的需求量身定制! 您的道路,您的规则! Please book through and leave us good reviews.
Terms and conditions
- Driving licence and passport / id on pickup.
- Fuel policy: Same/Same
- Heavy off-road driving prohibited
- Driving experience: 3+ years
- All taxes included
- Document scans for pre-check via email / messenger
- Flat tyres: client responsible
- Insurance invalid: alcohol, unmade roads, unauthorised driver, heavy off-road
- You must wash the car before return. Unwashed car: $15 charge
8 cars for hire
Automatic | 2023 | 12.9 Petrol | 89 HPDeposit None
Automatic | 2023 | 12.9 Petrol | 89 HPDeposit 150.00
Automatic | 2023 | 1.3 Petrol | 86 HPDeposit 0.00
Automatic | 2023 | 1.3 Petrol | 86 HPDeposit 0.00
Automatic | 2023 | 1.2 Petrol | 89 HPDeposit 0.00
Automatic | 2023 | 1.2 Petrol | 89 HPDeposit 0.00
Automatic | 2020 |Deposit None
Automatic | 2020 |Deposit None